

As part ofÌýTikkun Olam,Ìý¾«¶«Ó°Òµ has several projects aimed at lowering the School’s environmental footprint and educating our future leaders about how to responsibly interact with our environment.


Solar Photovoltaic Systems

In 2018, 92kw solar panels were installed on the roof of the Kleinlehrer Family LINC Building and Lehrer Family Building (MPH) to help reduce our carbon footprint and significantly reduce the School’s overall running costs, with energy savings of around $18 000 per year. This solar energy system is set to use 83% of the energy produced by the solar energy system on site, with only around 17% exported to the grid.

The northern roof of the MPH has a 5.54kW system which was installed in 2009 as part of The National Solar Schools Program. These solar panels offset the installation of air-conditioning in this area.Ìý

The Adler Building has a 2.5kW installation that was fitted in 2008. Since then it has generated over 25.57MW/Hrs of electricity.

Vegetable gardens

We have two vegetable gardens that are used to support teaching and learning and are tended by students and some volunteer parents.Ìý

The skills and knowledge that our students develop through these activities help students to better understand the food chain, and value the food that we eat. Food from our gardens is used in the canteen.


Waste and recycling

  • Single use plastic water bottles are not used on campus
  • Recycling bins are in place throughout the campus. Recycling stations in our classrooms has been a focus. This has been followed up with intensive and ongoing information regarding the separation of items for recycling.
  • Food scraps are also collected for composting and worm farming
  • Soft plastics are collected and recycled through the Red Cycling program
  • The Primary Green Team runs a ‘Waste Free Wednesday’ where children and their families are encouraged to pack a lunch that doesn’t include disposable packaging.

Our students are participating in an exciting Design Thinking project to help students devise a way to support families to pack waste free lunches every day of the week, to limit our contribution the plastics problem. Engaging in this process helps our environmentally-minded students to confront and work through this challenging global issue in an authentic way.



From All My Teachers I Grew Wise

Midrash Tehillim 119:99
מכל מלמדי השכלתי - Mikol Melamdai Hiskalti

Welcome from the Principal
