

¾«¶«Ó°Òµ is a place of learning, an environment that stimulates students to think critically with curiosity and creativity, to communicate and collaborate effectively, as well as to be skilled in digital literacy.


Technology is a tool that enhances learning and builds student engagement, providing opportunities for students to develop their skills within an inquiry-based learning approach. Emerging technologies are considered and adopted as appropriate when they reflect and promote the School’s learning philosophy. 


There are numerous opportunities for students who learn quickly to accelerate through the curriculum, as well as to be extended through a range of Gifted and Talented programs. The Wolanski Family Specialist Learning Centre provides support for students with learning difficulties and disabilities. These programs complement the School’s commitment to create opportunities for every student across the full spectrum of learning abilities to achieve their fullest potential.


The School’s commitment to excellence, quality, service and value ensures that it continually improves its programs for the benefit of its students.

Educate A Child According To The Child’s Path

Proverbs 22:6
חנוך לנער על פי דרכו - Chanoch La Naar Al-Piy Darcho

Welcome from the Principal
