
Jewish Life Policy

¾«¶«Ó°Òµ Jewish Life Policy



No student will be denied enrolment at the School on the basis of gender, race or religious beliefs.


No staff member will be denied employment at the School on the basis of gender, race or religious beliefs.

Religious Practice and Teachings

Religious instruction and practice are inclusive of all streams of Judaism in consonance with the ethos of our School.


¾«¶«Ó°Òµ recognises and respects all streams of Judaism.

Religious Practices on Campus

All students will be included equally in religious ritualsÌýon Campus irrespective of; – gender,

– race

– religious beliefs/identity.


All Rabbis and lay leaders from all streams of JudaismÌýare welcome and will be invitedÌýand actively encouraged to participate inÌýthe Jewish Life of the SchoolÌýin such a mannerÌýthatÌýtheir practices,Ìýwhen conducted on School campus, are consonant with the policies and ethos of theÌýSchool.


Seek Me (the divine dimension or beauty of the world) and Live

Amos 5:4
דרשוני וחיו - Dirshuni v’Chyu

Welcome from the Principal
