
Primary School Jewish life

Jewish Life in the Primary School provides students with knowledge, skills and memorable experiences as they learn about their Jewish heritage and build their own sense of Jewish identity.


By creating an inclusive and welcoming Jewish community, we nurture a love of Judaism, Hebrew, the Jewish people and Israel so our students grow as responsible Jewish and global citizens.


MIND 诇讘讘讱

  • Hebrew is taught through immersion using the programs TalAm, iTaLAM and Chaverim B鈥橧vrit. These programs are used around the world and have a holistic approach and a connection to Israel.
  • Students engage in Hebrew learning through texts, technology, music, drama and games to experience Hebrew as a living culture.
  • In Jewish Studies students explore Jewish history, texts, ethics, tradition and Jewish living in an open, pluralistic environment that encourages questioning and the creation of personal meaning.



  • Ruach (spirit) fills the School during tefillah (prayer), Shabbat and festival celebrations as students learn, lead, create and celebrate Jewish living through prayers, readings, music and dance.
  • Students learn, lead and experience various opportunities involving the siddur, Torah readings, personal reflections and Jewish meditation.


BEING 诪讗讚讱

  • Hebrew is visible and experienced on our school campus and through music, Israeli dancing, plays, reading clubs and student presentations at assemblies.
  • Pathways ceremonies bring students and families together to celebrate significant moments and milestones in Jewish learning and living.
  • Students live the Jewish values of gemilut hasadim (acts of kindness) and tzedakah (working for justice) by engaging with the community and joining with various organisations as partners in the process of Tikkun Olam (bettering the world).

Educate A Child According To The Child鈥檚 Path

Proverbs 22:6
讞谞讜讱 诇谞注专 注诇 驻讬 讚专讻讜 - Chanoch La Naar Al-Piy Darcho

Welcome from the Principal
